Commit d0096d2a by Dudás Ádám

Merge branch 'issue-419' into 'master'

Review help links

Reviewed help links, and added missing Hungarian translations.
Also recompiled translations.

See merge request !353
parents aceb897e 3d63d9fb
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
<h3 id="how-can-i-portforward">{% trans "How can I open ports?" %}</h3>
<h3 id="how-can-i-open-ports">{% trans "How can I open ports?" %}</h3>
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<li><a href="#how-can-i-create-a-vm-and-give-to-another-user">{% trans "How can I create a VM and give to another user?" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-portforward">{% trans "How can I portforward?" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-open-ports">{% trans "How can I open ports?" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#my-machines-lease-is-short-how-can-i-extend-it">{% trans "My machine’s lease is short. How can I extend it?" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-have-more-cpumemory">{% trans "How can I have more CPU/memory?" %}</a></li>
......@@ -348,32 +348,34 @@
<h4>{% trans "Architecture" %}</h4>
The user can choose the template's architecture (x86 or x86-64).
{% trans "The user can choose the template's architecture (x86 or x86-64)." %}
<h4>{% trans "Access method" %}</h4>
The default access method is modifiable. Currently SSH, RDP and NX are supported.
{% trans "The default access method is modifiable. Currently SSH, RDP and NX are supported." %}
<h4>{% trans "Boot menu" %} </h4>
Check it to turn on the boot menu.
{% trans "Check it to turn on the boot menu." %}
<h4>{% trans "Traits" %}</h4>
By adding or removing traits we can guarantee specific features the host node will have (like <em>GPU</em>) for the virtual machine.
{% trans "By adding or removing traits we can guarantee specific features the host node will have (like <em>GPU</em>) for the virtual machine." %}
<h4>{% trans "Operating system" %}</h4>
The name of the operating system.
{% trans "The name of the operating system." %}
<h4>{% trans "Agent" %}</h4>
Check this if the machine has agent installed and the manager should wait for its start.
{% trans "Check this if the machine has agent installed and the manager should wait for its start." %}
<h4>{% trans "Raw data" %}</h4>
The CIRCLE Cloud is using libvirt, so the owner can customize the running VM's options here by
<a href="">libvirt domain parameters</a>.
{% blocktrans %}
The CIRCLE Cloud is using libvirt, so the owner can customize the running VM's options here by
<a href="">libvirt domain parameters</a>.
{% endblocktrans %}
......@@ -387,7 +389,7 @@
<h4 id="how-can-i-give-access-to-users-or-groups-to-the-template">{% trans "How can I grant access for users or groups to the template?" %}</h4>
<h4 id="how-can-i-grant-access-for-users-or-groups-to-the-template">{% trans "How can I grant access for users or groups to the template?" %}</h4>
{% blocktrans %}
......@@ -10,10 +10,8 @@
<li><a href="#how-can-i-create-a-vm">{% trans "How can I create a VM?" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-mark-frequently-used-vms">{% trans "How can I mark frequently used VMs?" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-search-for-vms">{% trans "How can I search for VMs?" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#templates-box">{% trans "Templates box" %}</a></li>
......@@ -37,8 +35,7 @@
<ul><a href="#home">{% trans "Home" %}</a>
<li><a href="#expiration">{% trans "Expiration" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-expand-the-vms-expiration-date">{% trans "How can I expand the VM’s expiration date?" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#file-management">{% trans "File management" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-extend-the-vms-expiration-date">{% trans "How can I extend the VM's expiration date?" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-share-previously-uploaded-files-with-the-vm">{% trans "How can I share previously uploaded files with the VM?" %}</a></li>
......@@ -68,9 +65,7 @@
<ul><a href="#templates">{% trans "Templates" %}</a>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-create-templates">{% trans "How can I create templates?" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#what-kind-of-options-are-customizable-in-the-template">{% trans "What kind of options are customizable in the template?" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-change-the-expiration-of-the-templates-vms">{% trans "How can I change the expiration of the tempalte's VMs" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-give-the-template-to-other-user">{% trans "How can I give the template to other user?" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-give-access-to-users-or-groups-to-the-template">{% trans "How can I give access to users or groups to the template?"%}</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-grant-access-for-users-or-groups-to-the-template">{% trans "How can I grant access for users or groups to the template?"%}</a></li>
......@@ -92,7 +87,6 @@
<ul><a href="#profile">{% trans "Profile" %}</a>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-change-my-password">{% trans "How can I change my password?" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-store-public-keys-on-the-vms">{% trans "How can I store public keys on the VMs?" %}</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-can-i-change-connection-template">{% trans "How can I change connection template?" %}</a></li>
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