Commit dc6424cb by Kálmán Viktor

dashboard: fix initial crosslink

parent f2f4b945
......@@ -213,6 +213,7 @@ PIPELINE_JS = {
......@@ -529,16 +529,6 @@ function safe_tags_replace(str) {
return str.replace(/[&<>]/g, replaceTag);
$('.crosslink').click(function(e) {
// Don't follow the link
var menu = $(this).attr("menu");
window.location = this.href;
$(function () {
var closed = JSON.parse(getCookie('broadcast-messages'));
$('.broadcast-message').each(function() {
$(function() {
$('.crosslink').click(function(e) {
var menu = $(this).data("menu");
window.location = this.href;
var hash = window.location.hash;
if(hash) {
var menu;
if($(hash).closest(".tab-pane").prop("class").indexOf("overview") != -1) {
menu = "#overview_menu"
} else {
menu = "#faq_menu"
$("html, body").animate({scrollTop: $(hash).offset().top}, 500);
window.location.hash = hash;
......@@ -8,10 +8,14 @@
<li>{% trans "Start a virtual machine." %}</li>
<li>{% trans "Customize this machine - install and remove softwares, etc." %}</li>
<li>{% trans "Click on ‘Save as Template’ icon on operations." %}</li>
<li>{% trans "On the dashboard, select this template to go to the ‘Edit template page’." %}</li>
<li>{% trans "On the ‘Manage access’ box, add the specified user or user group with ‘user’ access level." %} (<a class="crosslink" menu="#overview_menu" href="#how-can-i-create-groups">{% trans "You can easily create groups if you need" %}</a>)</li>
<li>{% trans "Customize this machine - install and remove softwares, etc." %}</li>
<li>{% trans "Click on ‘Save as Template’ icon on operations." %}</li>
<li>{% trans "On the dashboard, select this template to go to the ‘Edit template page’." %}</li>
{% trans "On the ‘Manage access’ box, add the specified user or user group with ‘user’ access level." %}
(<a class="crosslink" data-menu="#overview_menu" href="#how-can-i-create-groups">
{% trans "You can easily create groups if you need" %}</a>)
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