# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2014 Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME IK) # # This file is part of CIRCLE Cloud. # # CIRCLE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version. # # CIRCLE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with CIRCLE. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. from __future__ import unicode_literals import logging from os.path import join import uuid from celery.contrib.abortable import AbortableAsyncResult from django.db.models import (Model, BooleanField, CharField, DateTimeField, ForeignKey) from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from model_utils.models import TimeStampedModel from sizefield.models import FileSizeField from acl.models import AclBase from .tasks import local_tasks, storage_tasks from celery.exceptions import TimeoutError from common.models import WorkerNotFound logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class DataStore(Model): """Collection of virtual disks. """ name = CharField(max_length=100, unique=True, verbose_name=_('name')) path = CharField(max_length=200, unique=True, verbose_name=_('path')) hostname = CharField(max_length=40, unique=True, verbose_name=_('hostname')) class Meta: ordering = ['name'] verbose_name = _('datastore') verbose_name_plural = _('datastores') def __unicode__(self): return u'%s (%s)' % (self.name, self.path) def get_remote_queue_name(self, queue_id, priority=None, check_worker=True): logger.debug("Checking for storage queue %s.%s", self.hostname, queue_id) if not check_worker or local_tasks.check_queue(self.hostname, queue_id, priority): queue_name = self.hostname + '.' + queue_id if priority is not None: queue_name = queue_name + '.' + priority return queue_name else: raise WorkerNotFound() def get_deletable_disks(self): return [disk.filename for disk in self.disk_set.filter( destroyed__isnull=False) if disk.is_deletable] class Disk(AclBase, TimeStampedModel): """A virtual disk. """ ACL_LEVELS = ( ('user', _('user')), # see all details ('operator', _('operator')), ('owner', _('owner')), # superuser, can delete, delegate perms ) TYPES = [('qcow2-norm', 'qcow2 normal'), ('qcow2-snap', 'qcow2 snapshot'), ('iso', 'iso'), ('raw-ro', 'raw read-only'), ('raw-rw', 'raw')] name = CharField(blank=True, max_length=100, verbose_name=_("name")) filename = CharField(max_length=256, unique=True, verbose_name=_("filename")) datastore = ForeignKey(DataStore, verbose_name=_("datastore"), help_text=_("The datastore that holds the disk.")) type = CharField(max_length=10, choices=TYPES) size = FileSizeField(null=True, default=None) base = ForeignKey('self', blank=True, null=True, related_name='derivatives') dev_num = CharField(default='a', max_length=1, verbose_name=_("device number")) destroyed = DateTimeField(blank=True, default=None, null=True) is_ready = BooleanField(default=False) class Meta: ordering = ['name'] verbose_name = _('disk') verbose_name_plural = _('disks') class WrongDiskTypeError(Exception): def __init__(self, type, message=None): if message is None: message = ("Operation can't be invoked on a disk of type '%s'." % type) Exception.__init__(self, message) self.type = type class DiskInUseError(Exception): def __init__(self, disk, message=None): if message is None: message = ("The requested operation can't be performed on " "disk '%s (%s)' because it is in use." % (disk.name, disk.filename)) Exception.__init__(self, message) self.disk = disk class DiskIsNotReady(Exception): """ Exception for operations that need a deployed disk. """ def __init__(self, disk, message=None): if message is None: message = ("The requested operation can't be performed on " "disk '%s (%s)' because it has never been" "deployed." % (disk.name, disk.filename)) Exception.__init__(self, message) self.disk = disk @property def path(self): """The path where the files are stored. """ return join(self.datastore.path, self.filename) @property def vm_format(self): """Returns the proper file format for different type of images. """ return { 'qcow2-norm': 'qcow2', 'qcow2-snap': 'qcow2', 'iso': 'raw', 'raw-ro': 'raw', 'raw-rw': 'raw', }[self.type] @property def format(self): """Returns the proper file format for different types of images. """ return { 'qcow2-norm': 'qcow2', 'qcow2-snap': 'qcow2', 'iso': 'iso', 'raw-ro': 'raw', 'raw-rw': 'raw', }[self.type] @property def device_type(self): """Returns the proper device prefix for different types of images. """ return { 'qcow2-norm': 'vd', 'qcow2-snap': 'vd', 'iso': 'hd', 'raw-ro': 'vd', 'raw-rw': 'vd', }[self.type] @property def is_deletable(self): """True if the associated file can be deleted. """ # Check if all children and the disk itself is destroyed. return (self.destroyed is not None) and self.children_deletable @property def children_deletable(self): """True if all children of the disk are deletable. """ return all(i.is_deletable for i in self.derivatives.all()) @property def is_in_use(self): """True if disk is attached to an active VM. 'In use' means the disk is attached to a VM which is not STOPPED, as any other VMs leave the disk in an inconsistent state. """ return any(i.state != 'STOPPED' for i in self.instance_set.all()) def get_appliance(self): """Return an Instance or InstanceTemplate object where the disk is used """ instance = self.instance_set.all() template = self.template_set.all() app = list(instance) + list(template) if len(app) > 0: return app[0] else: return None def get_exclusive(self): """Get an instance of the disk for exclusive usage. This method manipulates the database only. """ type_mapping = { 'qcow2-norm': 'qcow2-snap', 'iso': 'iso', 'raw-ro': 'raw-rw', } if self.type not in type_mapping.keys(): raise self.WrongDiskTypeError(self.type) new_type = type_mapping[self.type] return Disk.create(base=self, datastore=self.datastore, name=self.name, size=self.size, type=new_type) def get_vmdisk_desc(self): """Serialize disk object to the vmdriver. """ return { 'source': self.path, 'driver_type': self.vm_format, 'driver_cache': 'none', 'target_device': self.device_type + self.dev_num, 'disk_device': 'cdrom' if self.type == 'iso' else 'disk' } def get_disk_desc(self): """Serialize disk object to the storage driver. """ return { 'name': self.filename, 'dir': self.datastore.path, 'format': self.format, 'size': self.size, 'base_name': self.base.filename if self.base else None, 'type': 'snapshot' if self.base else 'normal' } def get_remote_queue_name(self, queue_id='storage', priority=None, check_worker=True): """Returns the proper queue name based on the datastore. """ if self.datastore: return self.datastore.get_remote_queue_name(queue_id, priority, check_worker) else: return None def __unicode__(self): return u"%s (#%d)" % (self.name, self.id or 0) def clean(self, *args, **kwargs): if (self.size is None or "") and self.base: self.size = self.base.size super(Disk, self).clean(*args, **kwargs) def deploy(self, user=None, task_uuid=None, timeout=15): """Reify the disk model on the associated data store. :param self: the disk model to reify :type self: storage.models.Disk :param user: The user who's issuing the command. :type user: django.contrib.auth.models.User :param task_uuid: The task's UUID, if the command is being executed asynchronously. :type task_uuid: str :return: True if a new reification of the disk has been created; otherwise, False. :rtype: bool """ if self.destroyed: self.destroyed = None self.save() if self.is_ready: return True queue_name = self.get_remote_queue_name('storage', priority="fast") disk_desc = self.get_disk_desc() if self.base is not None: storage_tasks.snapshot.apply_async(args=[disk_desc], queue=queue_name ).get(timeout=timeout) else: storage_tasks.create.apply_async(args=[disk_desc], queue=queue_name ).get(timeout=timeout) self.is_ready = True self.save() return True @classmethod def create(cls, user=None, **params): disk = cls.__create(user, params) disk.clean() disk.save() logger.debug("Disk created: %s", params) return disk @classmethod def __create(cls, user, params): datastore = params.pop('datastore', DataStore.objects.get()) filename = params.pop('filename', str(uuid.uuid4())) disk = cls(filename=filename, datastore=datastore, **params) return disk @classmethod def download(cls, url, task, user=None, **params): """Create disk object and download data from url synchronusly. :param url: image url to download. :type url: url :param instance: Instance or template attach the Disk to. :type instance: vm.models.Instance or InstanceTemplate or NoneType :param user: owner of the disk :type user: django.contrib.auth.User :param task_uuid: UUID of the local task :param abortable_task: UUID of the remote running abortable task. :return: The created Disk object :rtype: Disk """ params.setdefault('name', url.split('/')[-1]) params.setdefault('type', 'iso') params.setdefault('size', None) disk = cls.__create(params=params, user=user) queue_name = disk.get_remote_queue_name('storage', priority='slow') remote = storage_tasks.download.apply_async( kwargs={'url': url, 'parent_id': task.request.id, 'disk': disk.get_disk_desc()}, queue=queue_name) while True: try: result = remote.get(timeout=5) break except TimeoutError: if task is not None and task.is_aborted(): AbortableAsyncResult(remote.id).abort() raise Exception("Download aborted by user.") disk.size = result['size'] disk.type = result['type'] disk.is_ready = True disk.save() return disk def destroy(self, user=None, task_uuid=None): if self.destroyed: return False self.destroyed = timezone.now() self.save() return True def restore(self, user=None, task_uuid=None): """Recover destroyed disk from trash if possible. """ # TODO pass def save_as(self, user=None, task_uuid=None, timeout=300): """Save VM as template. Based on disk type: qcow2-norm, qcow2-snap --> qcow2-norm iso --> iso (with base) VM must be in STOPPED state to perform this action. The timeout parameter is not used now. """ mapping = { 'qcow2-snap': ('qcow2-norm', None), 'qcow2-norm': ('qcow2-norm', None), 'iso': ("iso", self), } if self.type not in mapping.keys(): raise self.WrongDiskTypeError(self.type) if self.is_in_use: raise self.DiskInUseError(self) if not self.is_ready: raise self.DiskIsNotReady(self) # from this point on, the caller has to guarantee that the disk is not # going to be used until the operation is complete new_type, new_base = mapping[self.type] disk = Disk.create(datastore=self.datastore, base=new_base, name=self.name, size=self.size, type=new_type) queue_name = self.get_remote_queue_name("storage", priority="slow") storage_tasks.merge.apply_async(args=[self.get_disk_desc(), disk.get_disk_desc()], queue=queue_name ).get() # Timeout disk.is_ready = True disk.save() return disk