# Copyright 2014 Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME IK) # # This file is part of CIRCLE Cloud. # # CIRCLE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version. # # CIRCLE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with CIRCLE. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals from logging import getLogger from warnings import warn import requests from django.conf import settings from django.db.models import ( CharField, IntegerField, ForeignKey, BooleanField, ManyToManyField, FloatField, permalink, ) from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from celery.exceptions import TimeoutError from model_utils.models import TimeStampedModel from taggit.managers import TaggableManager from common.models import method_cache, WorkerNotFound, HumanSortField from common.operations import OperatedMixin from firewall.models import Host from ..tasks import vm_tasks from .activity import node_activity, NodeActivity from .common import Trait logger = getLogger(__name__) def node_available(function): """Decorate methods to ignore disabled Nodes. """ def decorate(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.enabled and self.online: return function(self, *args, **kwargs) else: return None return decorate class Node(OperatedMixin, TimeStampedModel): """A VM host machine, a hypervisor. """ name = CharField(max_length=50, unique=True, verbose_name=_('name'), help_text=_('Human readable name of node.')) normalized_name = HumanSortField(monitor='name', max_length=100) priority = IntegerField(verbose_name=_('priority'), help_text=_('Node usage priority.')) host = ForeignKey(Host, verbose_name=_('host'), help_text=_('Host in firewall.')) enabled = BooleanField(verbose_name=_('enabled'), default=False, help_text=_('Indicates whether the node can ' 'be used for hosting.')) traits = ManyToManyField(Trait, blank=True, help_text=_("Declared traits."), verbose_name=_('traits')) tags = TaggableManager(blank=True, verbose_name=_("tags")) overcommit = FloatField(default=1.0, verbose_name=_("overcommit ratio"), help_text=_("The ratio of total memory with " "to without overcommit.")) class Meta: app_label = 'vm' db_table = 'vm_node' permissions = () ordering = ('-enabled', 'normalized_name') def __unicode__(self): return self.name @method_cache(10) def get_online(self): """Check if the node is online. Check if node is online by queue is available. """ try: self.get_remote_queue_name("vm", "fast") except: return False else: return True online = property(get_online) @node_available @method_cache(300) def get_info(self): return self.remote_query(vm_tasks.get_info, priority='fast', default={'core_num': '', 'ram_size': '0', 'architecture': ''}) info = property(get_info) @property def ram_size(self): warn('Use Node.info["ram_size"]', DeprecationWarning) return self.info['ram_size'] @property def num_cores(self): warn('Use Node.info["core_num"]', DeprecationWarning) return self.info['core_num'] STATES = {False: {False: ('OFFLINE', _('offline')), True: ('DISABLED', _('disabled'))}, True: {False: ('MISSING', _('missing')), True: ('ONLINE', _('online'))}} def get_state(self): """The state combined of online and enabled attributes. """ return self.STATES[self.enabled][self.online][0] state = property(get_state) def get_status_display(self): return self.STATES[self.enabled][self.online][1] def disable(self, user=None, base_activity=None): ''' Disable the node.''' if self.enabled: if base_activity: act_ctx = base_activity.sub_activity('disable') else: act_ctx = node_activity('disable', node=self, user=user) with act_ctx: self.enabled = False self.save() def enable(self, user=None, base_activity=None): ''' Enable the node. ''' if self.enabled is not True: if base_activity: act_ctx = base_activity.sub_activity('enable') else: act_ctx = node_activity('enable', node=self, user=user) with act_ctx: self.enabled = True self.save() self.get_info(invalidate_cache=True) @property @node_available def ram_size_with_overcommit(self): """Bytes of total memory including overcommit margin. """ return self.ram_size * self.overcommit @method_cache(30) def get_remote_queue_name(self, queue_id, priority=None): """Returns the name of the remote celery queue for this node. Throws Exception if there is no worker on the queue. The result may include dead queues because of caching. """ if vm_tasks.check_queue(self.host.hostname, queue_id, priority): queue_name = self.host.hostname + "." + queue_id if priority is not None: queue_name = queue_name + "." + priority self.node_online() return queue_name else: if self.enabled: self.node_offline() raise WorkerNotFound() def node_online(self): """Create activity and log entry when node reappears. """ try: act = self.activity_log.order_by('-pk')[0] except IndexError: pass # no monitoring activity at all else: logger.debug("The last activity was %s" % act) if act.activity_code.endswith("offline"): act = NodeActivity.create(code_suffix='monitor_success_online', node=self, user=None) act.started = timezone.now() act.finished = timezone.now() act.succeeded = True act.save() logger.info("Node %s is ONLINE." % self.name) self.get_info(invalidate_cache=True) def node_offline(self): """Called when a node disappears. If the node is not already offline, record an activity and a log entry. """ try: act = self.activity_log.order_by('-pk')[0] except IndexError: pass # no activity at all else: logger.debug("The last activity was %s" % act) if act.activity_code.endswith("offline"): return act = NodeActivity.create(code_suffix='monitor_failed_offline', node=self, user=None) act.started = timezone.now() act.finished = timezone.now() act.succeeded = False act.save() logger.critical("Node %s is OFFLINE%s.", self.name, ", but enabled" if self.enabled else "") # TODO: check if we should reschedule any VMs? def remote_query(self, task, timeout=30, priority=None, raise_=False, default=None): """Query the given task, and get the result. If the result is not ready or worker not reachable in timeout secs, return default value or raise a TimeoutError or WorkerNotFound exception. """ try: r = task.apply_async( queue=self.get_remote_queue_name('vm', priority), expires=timeout + 60) return r.get(timeout=timeout) except (TimeoutError, WorkerNotFound): if raise_: raise else: return default @property @node_available @method_cache(10) def monitor_info(self): metrics = ('cpu.usage', 'memory.usage') prefix = 'circle.%s.' % self.name params = [('target', '%s%s' % (prefix, metric)) for metric in metrics] params.append(('from', '-5min')) params.append(('format', 'json')) try: logger.info('%s %s', settings.GRAPHITE_URL, params) response = requests.get(settings.GRAPHITE_URL, params=params) retval = {} for target in response.json(): # Example: # {"target": "circle.szianode.cpu.usage", # "datapoints": [[0.6, 1403045700], [0.5, 1403045760] try: metric = target['target'] if metric.startswith(prefix): metric = metric[len(prefix):] else: continue value = target['datapoints'][-2][0] retval[metric] = float(value) except (KeyError, IndexError, ValueError): continue return retval except: logger.exception('Unhandled exception: ') return self.remote_query(vm_tasks.get_node_metrics, timeout=30, priority="fast") @property @node_available def cpu_usage(self): return self.monitor_info.get('cpu.usage') / 100 @property @node_available def ram_usage(self): return self.monitor_info.get('memory.usage') / 100 @property @node_available def byte_ram_usage(self): return self.ram_usage * self.ram_size def get_status_icon(self): return { 'OFFLINE': 'fa-minus-circle', 'DISABLED': 'fa-moon', 'MISSING': 'fa-warning', 'ONLINE': 'fa-play-circle'}.get(self.get_state(), 'fa-question-circle') def get_status_label(self): return { 'OFFLINE': 'label-warning', 'DISABLED': 'label-warning', 'MISSING': 'label-danger', 'ONLINE': 'label-success'}.get(self.get_state(), 'label-danger') @node_available def update_vm_states(self): """Update state of Instances running on this Node. Query state of all libvirt domains, and notify Instances by their vm_state_changed hook. """ domains = {} domain_list = self.remote_query(vm_tasks.list_domains_info, timeout=5, priority="fast") if domain_list is None: logger.info("Monitoring failed at: %s", self.name) return for i in domain_list: # [{'name': 'cloud-1234', 'state': 'RUNNING', ...}, ...] try: id = int(i['name'].split('-')[1]) except: pass # name format doesn't match else: domains[id] = i['state'] instances = [{'id': i.id, 'state': i.state} for i in self.instance_set.order_by('id').all()] for i in instances: try: d = domains[i['id']] except KeyError: logger.info('Node %s update: instance %s missing from ' 'libvirt', self, i['id']) # Set state to STOPPED when instance is missing self.instance_set.get(id=i['id']).vm_state_changed('STOPPED') else: if d != i['state']: logger.info('Node %s update: instance %s state changed ' '(libvirt: %s, db: %s)', self, i['id'], d, i['state']) self.instance_set.get(id=i['id']).vm_state_changed(d) del domains[i['id']] for i in domains.keys(): logger.info('Node %s update: domain %s in libvirt but not in db.', self, i) @classmethod def get_state_count(cls, online, enabled): return len([1 for i in cls.objects.filter(enabled=enabled).select_related('host') if i.online == online]) @permalink def get_absolute_url(self): return ('dashboard.views.node-detail', None, {'pk': self.id})