var toggleDetails; $(function() { function getCookie(name) { var cookieValue = null; if(document.cookie && document.cookie != '') { var cookies = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { var cookie = jQuery.trim(cookies[i]); if(cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) == (name + '=')) { cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1)); break; } } } return cookieValue; } var csrftoken = getCookie('csrftoken'); function csrfSafeMethod(method) { return(/^(GET|HEAD|OPTIONS|TRACE)$/.test(method)); } $.ajaxSetup({ crossDomain: false, beforeSend: function(xhr, settings) { if(!csrfSafeMethod(settings.type)) { xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRFToken", csrftoken); } } }); toggleDetails = throttle(function(){ if($(this).parent('.entry').hasClass('opened')) { $(this).parent('.entry').removeClass('opened'); $(this).next('.details').slideUp(700); } else { $(this).parent('.entry').addClass('opened'); $(this).next('.details').slideDown(700); } }) $('.delete-template-button').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); delete_template_confirm($(this).data('id'), $(this).data('name')); }); $('.entry .summary').unbind('click').click(toggleDetails); if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('cloud-gui') != 0) { $('.connect-vm-button').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); get_vm_details($(this).data('id')); }); } else { $('.connect-vm-button').click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); } $('.try-template-button').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); new_vm($(this).data('id') ); }); $('.stop-vm-button').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); stop_vm($(this).data('id'), $(this).data('name')); }); $('.resume-vm-button').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); manage_vm($(this).data('id'), "resume"); }); $('.delete-vm-button').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); delete_vm($(this).data('id'), $(this).data('name')); }); $('.restart-vm-button').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); restart_vm($(this).data('id'), $(this).data('name')); }); $('.renew-suspend-vm-button').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); renew_suspend_vm($(this).data('id')) }); $('.renew-delete-vm-button').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); renew_delete_vm($(this).data('id')) }); $('#new-vm-button').click(function() { $('#modal').show(); $('#modal-container').html($('#new-vm').html()); $('#modal-container .entry .summary').click(toggleDetails); }); $('#new-template-button').click(function() { $.get('/ajax/templateWizard', function(data) { $('#modal-container').html(data); }) $('#modal').show(); }); $('#shadow').click(function() { $('#modal').hide(); $('#modal-container').html(''); }) $('.template-share').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $.get('/ajax/share/'+$(this).data('id')+'/'+$(this).data('gid'), function(data) { $('#modal-container').html(data); }) $('#modal').show(); }); $('#old-upload').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).parent().parent().hide().parent().find('#old-upload-form').show(); return false; }); $('.quota .used').each(function() { var s = this; $(this).css('backgroundColor', function(w) { return 'hsla(' + (120 - parseFloat(w) / 100 * 120).toFixed(0) + ', 100%, 50%, 0.2)'; }($(this)[0].style.width)); if(parseInt($(this).css('width')) > 0) $(this).css('borderRight', function(w) { return '1px solid hsla(' + (120 - parseFloat(w) / 100 * 120).toFixed(0) + ', 100%, 30%, 0.4)'; }($(this)[0].style.width)); }); $('#new-folder').click(function() { $('#new-folder-form input')[0].focus(); }); $('#new-group').click(function() { var content = $('#new-group-wizard').html(); $('#new-group-wizard').html(''); $('#modal').show(); $('#modal-container').html(content); $('#shadow').click(function() { $('#new-group-wizard').html(content); }) function updateSummary() { $('#new-group-summary-name').html($('#new-group-name').val()); $('#new-group-summary-count').html(function(text) { var m = text.match(/\s*[a-z][0-9a-z]{5}\s*(\r|\n|$)+/gi); return m ? m.length : 0; }($('#new-group-members').val())); $('#new-group-summary-semester').html($('#new-group-semester')[0].options[$('#new-group-semester')[0].selectedIndex].innerHTML) } $('#new-group-name').change(updateSummary); $('#new-group-semester').change(updateSummary); $('#new-group-members').change(updateSummary); }); $('#vm-password-show').click(function(){ $('#vm-password-show').hide(); $('#vm-password').show(); }); $('.hidden-password').each(function(){ $(this).val('******'); }); $('.hidden-password').click(function(){ if(!$(this).hasClass('shown')){ $(this).val($(this).data('value')); $(this).addClass('shown'); } else { $(this).val('******'); $(this).removeClass('shown'); } }) toggleDetails.apply($('.selected-summary')); toggleDetails.apply($('.selected-summary')); /** * Connect button new window */ function get_vm_details(id) { $.get('/vm/credentials/'+id, function(data) { $('#modal-container').html(data); }) $('#modal').show(); }; /** * Confirm pop-up window */ function vm_confirm_popup(confirm_message, button_text, success) { $('#modal').show(); $('#modal-container').html(confirm_message + '<br /><input class="ok" type="button" value="' + button_text + '" style="float: left"/><input class="cancel" type="button" value="' + gettext('Cancel') + '" style="float: right" />'); $('#modal-container .ok').click(function() { $('#modal').hide(); success(); }); $('#modal-container .cancel').click(function() { $('#modal').hide(); }); } /** * Manage VM State (STOP) */ function stop_vm(id, name) { confirm_message = interpolate(gettext("Are you sure stopping %s?"), ["<strong>"+name+"</strong>"]) vm_confirm_popup(confirm_message, gettext("Stop"), function() { manage_vm(id, "stop") }); } /** * Manage VM State (DELETE) */ function delete_vm(id, name) { confirm_message = interpolate(gettext("Are you sure deleting %s?"), ["<strong>"+name+"</strong>"]) vm_confirm_popup(confirm_message, gettext("Delete"), function() { manage_vm(id, "delete") }) } /** * Manage VM State (RESET) */ function restart_vm(id, name) { confirm_message = interpolate(gettext("Are you sure restarting %s?"), ["<strong>"+name+"</strong>"]) vm_confirm_popup(confirm_message, gettext("Restart"), function() { manage_vm(id, "restart") }) } /** * Manage VM State (RESUME) */ function resume_vm(id, name) { manage_vm(id, "resume") } /** * Renew vm suspend time. */ function renew_suspend_vm(id) { manage_vm(id, "renew/suspend") } /** * Renew vm deletion time. */ function renew_delete_vm(id) { manage_vm(id, "renew/delete") } /** * Manage VM State generic */ function manage_vm(id, state) { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/vm/' + state + '/' + id + '/', success: function(data, b, c) { if ( state == "resume"){ window.location.href = '/vm/show/'+id+"/"; } else { window.location.reload(); } } }) } /** * New VM */ function new_vm(template_id) { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'ajax/vm/new/' + template_id + '/', success: function(data, b, xhrRequest) { window.location.href = '/'; //xhrRequest.getResponseHeader("Location"); //alert(xhrRequest.getResponseHeader("Location")); window.location.href = xhrRequest.getResponseHeader("Location"); } }) } /** * Template delete */ function delete_template_confirm(id, name) { confirm_message = interpolate(gettext("Are you sure deleting this %s template?"), ["<strong>"+name+"</strong>"]) vm_confirm_popup(confirm_message, gettext("Delete"), function() { delete_template(id) }) } /** * Template delete */ function delete_template(id) { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/ajax/template/delete/', data: 'id=' + id, dataType: 'json', statusCode: { 404: function(data) { alert(data['responseText']); }, 200: function(data) { $("#t"+id).remove() }, } }) } $('#new-member').click(function() { $('#new-member-form').toggle(); }); $('#new-member-form input').click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); $('#new-member-form input[type=submit]').click(function() { var neptun = $(this).prev().val(); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/ajax/group/' + $(this).data('id') + '/add/', data: 'neptun=' + neptun, dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { window.location.reload(); } }).error(function(data) { //TODO: fancy modal alert alert(JSON.parse(data.responseText).status); }) }); $('#new-owner').click(function() { $('#new-owner-form').toggle(); }); $('#new-owner-form input').click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); $('#new-owner-form input[type=submit]').click(function() { var neptun = $(this).prev().val(); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/ajax/group/' + $(this).data('id') + '/add/', data: 'neptun=' + neptun, dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { window.location.reload(); } }).error(function(data) { //TODO: fancy modal alert alert(JSON.parse(data.responseText).status); }) }); $('#group-members .remove').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/ajax/group/' + $(this).data('gid') + '/remove/', data: 'neptun=' + $(this).data('neptun'), success: function(data) { window.location.reload(); } }); }); $('#groups .delete').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var gid = $(this).data('id'); var name = $(this).data('name'); vm_confirm_popup( interpolate( gettext('Are you sure deleting <strong>%s</strong>'), [name]), gettext('Delete'), function() { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/ajax/group/delete/', data: 'gid=' + gid, success: function() { window.location.reload(); } }).error(function() { window.location.reload(); }) }) }) /** * Convert bytes to human readable format */ function convert(n, skip, precision) { skip = skip | 0; precision = precision | 2; var suffix = 'B KB MB GB'.split(' '); for(var i = skip; n > 1024; i++) { n /= 1024; } return n.toFixed(precision) + ' ' + suffix[i]; } /** * Returns throttled function */ function throttle(f) { var disabled = false; return function() { if(disabled) { return }; disabled = true; setTimeout(function() { disabled = false; }, 700); f.apply(this, arguments); } } function Model() { //alias for this var self = this; var uploadURLRequestInProgress = false; //currently displayed files self.files = ko.observableArray(); //false, if you are in / self.notInRoot = ko.observable(false); //defalut path to display self.currentPath = ko.observable('/'); //default upload url (invalid) self.uploadURL = ko.observable('/'); self.newFolderName = ko.observable(); self.uploadProgress = ko.observable('0%'); self.quota = { rawUsed: ko.observable(0), rawSoft: ko.observable(0), rawHard: ko.observable(0) }; self.quota.used = ko.computed(function() { return convert(self.quota.rawUsed(), 1); }); self.quota.hard = ko.computed(function() { return convert(self.quota.rawHard(), 1); }); self.quota.soft = ko.computed(function() { return convert(self.quota.rawSoft(), 1); }); self.quota.usedBar = ko.computed(function() { return(self.quota.rawUsed() / self.quota.rawHard() * 100).toFixed(0) + '%'; }, self); self.quota.softPos = ko.computed(function() { return(self.quota.rawSoft() / self.quota.rawHard() * 100).toFixed(0) + '%'; }, self); self.sortBy = ko.observable('name'); $('#current-location select').on('change', function() { self.sortBy($('#current-location select').val()); sortFiles(); }) /** * Delay the function call for `f` until `g` evaluates true * Default check interval is 1 sec */ function delayUntil(f, g, timeout) { var timeout = timeout | 1000; function check() { var o = arguments; if(!g()) { setTimeout(function() { check.apply(null, o) }, timeout); return; } f.apply(null, o); } return function() { check.apply(null, arguments); } } /** * Loads the parent folder */ self.jumpUp = function() { var s = self.currentPath(); loadFolder(s.substr(0, s.substr(0, s.length - 1).lastIndexOf('/') + 1)); } var sortFiles = function() { self.files.sort({ name: function(a, b) { if(a.type === b.type) { return a.originalName.localeCompare(b.originalName); } if(a.type === gettext('file')) { return 1; } return -1; }, date: function(a, b) { if(a.type === b.type) { return new Date(b.mTime).getTime() - new Date(a.mTime).getTime(); } if(a.type === gettext('file')) { return 1; } return -1; }, size: function(a, b) { if(a.type === b.type) { return b.originalSize - a.originalSize; } if(a.type === gettext('file')) { return 1; } return -1; }, }[self.sortBy()]); } /** * Loads the specified folder */ var loadFolder = throttle(function(path, fast) { self.currentPath(path); self.fileLimit = 5; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', data: 'path=' + path, url: '/ajax/store/list', dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { if(!fast) { $('.file-list .real').css({ left: 0, position: 'relative' }).animate({ left: '-100%' }, 500).promise().done(function() { loadFolderDone(data); $('.file-list .real').css({ left: '-300%', position: 'relative' }).animate({ left: 0 }, 500); }); } else { loadFolderDone(data); } }, }) }) /** * After loadFolder completes, this function updates the UI */ function loadFolderDone(data) { var viewData = []; var added = 0; self.notInRoot(self.currentPath().lastIndexOf('/') !== 0); self.files([]); for(var i in data) { addFile(data[i]); } sortFiles(); } /** * Add file to the displayed files list */ function addFile(d) { var viewData; if(d.TYPE === 'D') { viewData = { originalName: d.NAME, originalSize: 0, name: d.NAME.length > 30 ? (d.NAME.substr(0, 27) + '...') : d.NAME, size: 'katalógus', type: 'katalógus', mTime: d.MTIME, getTypeClass: 'name filetype-folder', clickHandler: function(item) { loadFolder(self.currentPath() + item.originalName + '/'); } }; } else { var type = 'text'; var ext = { image: /\.(jpg|png|gif|jpeg)$/, pdf: /\.pdf$/, doc: /\.docx?$/, excel: /\.xlsx?$/, csv: /\.csv$/, php: /\.php$/, tex: /\.tex$/, ppt: /\.pptx?/, music: /\.(wav|mp3)$/ }; for(var i in ext) { if(d.NAME.match(ext[i])) { type = i; break; } } var extension; try { extension=d.NAME.match(/\.\w+$/)[0].substr(1); } catch (ex) { extension='N/A'; } viewData = { originalName: d.NAME, originalSize: d.SIZE, name: d.NAME.length > 30 ? (d.NAME.substr(0, 20) + '... ('+extension+')') : d.NAME, size: convert(d.SIZE), type: gettext('file'), mTime: d.MTIME, getTypeClass: 'name filetype-' + type, clickHandler: function(item, e) {; } }; } self.files.push(viewData); } /** * After 'addFile', this function animates the new item */ self.fadeIn = function(e) { $(e).hide().slideDown(500); } self.fadeOutFile = function(e) { try { $(e).slideUp(500, function() { e.parentNode.removeChild(e); }); } catch(ex) { e.parentNode.removeChild(e); } } /** * Downloads the specified file (or folder zipped) */ = function(item, ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); if(window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('cloud-gui') > -1) { window.location.href = 'cloudfile:' + self.currentPath() + item.originalName; return; } $.ajax({ type: 'POST', data: 'dl=' + self.currentPath() + item.originalName, url: '/ajax/store/download', dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { window.location.href = data.url; } }) } /** * Deletes the specified file (or folder) */ self.delete = function(item, ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); $('#modal').show(); s = ""; if(item.type == gettext('file')) { s = gettext("You are removing the file <strong>%s</strong>."); } else { s = gettext("You are removing the folder <strong>%s</strong> (and its content)."); } $('#modal-container').html(interpolate(s, [item.originalName]) + " " + gettext("Are you sure?") + '<br /><input class="ok" type="button" value="' + gettext("Delete") + '" style="float: left"/><input class="cancel" type="button" value="' + gettext('Cancel') + '" style="float: right" />'); $('#modal-container .ok').click(function() { $('#modal').hide(); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', data: 'rm=' + self.currentPath() + item.originalName, url: '/ajax/store/delete', dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { self.files.remove(item); } }) }); $('#modal-container .cancel').click(function() { $('#modal').hide(); }); } /** * Renames the specified file */ self.rename = function(item, e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var oldName = $('.name').html(); $('click').click(function(f) { f.stopPropagation(); f.preventDefault(); $('.name').html(oldName); $( { g.stopPropagation(); self.rename(item, g); }); }) //$('click'); $('.name').html('<input type="text" value="' + item.originalName + '" />\ <input type="submit" value="Átnevezés" />'); $('.name input').click(function(f) { f.stopPropagation(); }) $('.name input[type=submit]').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var newName = $('.name input[type=text]').val(); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', data: 'path=' + self.currentPath() + item.originalName + '&new=' + newName, url: '/ajax/store/rename', dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { loadFolder(self.currentPath(), true); } }) return false; }) } /** * Requests a new upload link from the store server */ self.getUploadURL = function() { uploadURLRequestInProgress = true; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', data: 'ul=' + self.currentPath() + '&next=' + encodeURI(window.location.href), url: '/ajax/store/upload', dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { self.uploadURL(data.url); uploadURLRequestInProgress = false; } }) } /** * Creates a new folder (and then reloads the current folder) */ self.newFolder = throttle(function(i, e) { $('opened'); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', data: 'new=' + self.newFolderName() + '&path=' + self.currentPath(), url: '/ajax/store/newFolder', dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { loadFolder(self.currentPath(), true); } }) }); /** * Drag'n'drop tests */ var tests = { filereader: typeof FileReader != 'undefined', dnd: 'draggable' in document.createElement('span'), formdata: !! window.FormData, progress: "upload" in new XMLHttpRequest }; /** * Uploads the specified file(s) */ var readfiles = delayUntil(function(file) { //1 GB file limit if(file.size > 1024 * 1024 * 1024) { $('#upload-zone').hide(); $('#upload-error').show(); $('#upload-error-size').show(); setTimeout(function() { $('#upload-zone').show(); $('#upload-error').hide(); $('#upload-error-size').hide(); }, 3000); return; } var formData = tests.formdata ? new FormData() : null; formData.append('data', file); // now post a new XHR request if(tests.formdata) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); var start = new Date().getTime();'POST', self.uploadURL()); xhr.onload = xhr.onerror = function() { $('.file-upload').removeClass('opened'); $('.file-upload .details').slideUp(700); $('#upload-zone').show(); $('#upload-progress-text').hide(); self.uploadProgress('0%'); self.uploadURL('/'); loadFolder(self.currentPath()); } if(tests.progress) { $('#upload-zone').hide(); $('#upload-progress-text').show(); var originalUsedQuota = self.quota.rawUsed(); xhr.upload.onprogress = function(event) { if(event.lengthComputable) { self.quota.rawUsed(originalUsedQuota + parseInt(event.loaded / 1024)); var complete = (event.loaded / * 100 | 0); //progress.value = progress.innerHTML = complete; self.uploadProgress(complete.toFixed(1) + '%'); var suffix = 'B KB MB GB'.split(' '); var l = event.loaded; var t =; for(var i = 0; l > 1024; i++) { l /= 1024; } l = l.toFixed(1) + ' ' + suffix[i]; for(var i = 0; t > 1024; i++) { t /= 1024; } t = t.toFixed(1) + ' ' + suffix[i]; var diff = new Date().getTime() - start; if(complete < 100) { $('#upload-progress-text').html(gettext('Upload') + ': ' + convert(event.loaded / diff * 1000) + '/s (' + (event.loaded / * 100).toFixed(2) + '%)'); } else { $('#upload-progress-text').html(gettext('Upload') + ': ' + gettext('done, processing...')); } } } } xhr.send(formData); } }, function() { return self.uploadURL() !== '/'; }, 200); /** * Drag'n'drop listeners */ document.addEventListener('drop', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); readfiles(e.dataTransfer.files[0]); return false; }); document.addEventListener('dragover', function(e) { if(!uploadURLRequestInProgress && self.uploadURL() == '/') { $('.file-upload .summary').click(); } e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); return false; }); /** * Fetch quota information */ function refreshQuota() { $.ajax({ 'type': 'GET', 'url': '/ajax/store/quota', dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { self.quota.rawUsed(parseInt(data.Used)); self.quota.rawSoft(parseInt(data.Soft)); self.quota.rawHard(parseInt(data.Hard)); } }) } //initialization refreshQuota(); loadFolder(self.currentPath()); } var model = new Model(); ko.applyBindings(model); document.addEventListener('dragenter', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); return false; }); document.addEventListener('drag', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); return false; }); gettext('Please choose a different name.'); })