Commit 04afd6a0 by x

dump: exclude some apps

parent 4f0cdff8
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/opt/webadmin/cloud/ dumpdata --format=json --indent=2|grep -v '"password":'|sed -e 's/^.*"smb_password":.*$/"smb_password": "kamu",/' -e 's/BEGIN RSA PRIVATE.*END RSA/xxx/' >/opt/webadmin/cloud/miscellaneous/dump.json
/opt/webadmin/cloud/ dumpdata -e admin -e auth.permission -e contenttypes -e sessions -e djcelery --format=json --indent=2|grep -v '"password":'|sed -e 's/^.*"smb_password":.*$/"smb_password": "kamu",/' -e 's/BEGIN RSA PRIVATE.*END RSA/xxx/' >/opt/webadmin/cloud/miscellaneous/dump.json
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