Commit 6474d40a by Kálmán Viktor

dashboard: fix new template button on vm list

Closes #209
parent d0891d38
......@@ -56,8 +56,6 @@ $(function () {
url: '/dashboard/template/choose/',
success: function(data) {
$('#create-modal').on('', function() {
{% load i18n %}
<div class="alert alert-info" id="template-choose-alert">
{% trans "Customize an existing template or create a brand new one from scratch!" %}
{% if perms.vm.create_base_template %}
{% trans "Customize an existing template or create a brand new one from scratch." %}
{% else %}
{% trans "Customize an existing template." %}
{% endif %}
<form action="{% url "dashboard.views.template-choose" %}" method="POST"
......@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<a href="{% url "dashboard.views.template-create" %}" class="pull-right btn btn-success btn-xs">
<i class="fa fa-plus"></i> {% trans "new base vm" %}
<a href="{% url "dashboard.views.template-choose" %}" class="pull-right btn btn-success btn-xs template-choose">
<i class="fa fa-plus"></i> {% trans "new template" %}
<h3 class="no-margin"><i class="fa fa-puzzle-piece"></i> {% trans "Templates" %}</h3>
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