Commit 9cafc124 by Kálmán Viktor

dashboard: clean up the tour js

parent 317e11b7
......@@ -443,3 +443,32 @@ footer a, footer a:hover, footer a:visited {
.template-choose-list input[type="radio"] {
float: right;
/* template create vm help */
.alert-new-template {
background: #3071a9;
color: white;
font-size: 22px;
.alert-new-template ol {
margin-left: 25px;
/* bootstrap tour */
.tour-template {
max-width: 400px;
min-width: 270px;
font-size: 16px;
.tour-template {
text-align: justify;
.tour-template .popover-title {
font-weight: bold;
#vm-details-resources-form {
padding: 5px; /* it's nice this way in the tour */
/* TODO i18n
* TODO new tour template
* TODO change placeholder yos
$(function() {
$(".vm-details-start-template-tour").click(function() {
......@@ -15,15 +12,32 @@ $(function() {
function createTemplateTour() {
var ttour = new Tour({
storage: false,
name: "template",
template: "<div class='popover'>" +
"<div class='arrow'></div>" +
"<h3 class='popover-title'></h3>" +
"<div class='popover-content'></div>" +
"<div class='popover-navigation'>" +
"<div class='btn-group'>" +
"<button class='btn btn-sm btn-default' data-role='prev'>" +
'<i class="icon-chevron-left"></i> ' + "Prev" + "</button> " +
"<button class='btn btn-sm btn-default' data-role='next'>" +
'Next' + ' <i class="icon-chevron-right"></i></button> ' +
"<button class='btn btn-sm btn-default' data-role='pause-resume' data-pause-text='Pause' data-resume-text='Resume'>Pause</button> " +
"</div>" +
"<button class='btn btn-sm btn-default' data-role='end'>" +
"End tour" + ' <i class="icon-flag-checkered"></i></button>' +
"</div>" +
element: ".alert-new-template",
title: "Template Tutorial Tour",
content: "Welcome to the template tutorial. In this quick tour, we gonna show you how to do the steps described above. " +
"For the next tour step press the Next button or the right arrow (or Back button/left arrow for the previous step). " +
"During the tour please don't try the functions because it may lead to graphical glitches, however " +
"you can end the tour any time you want with the End Tour button!",
content: "<p>Welcome to the template tutorial. In this quick tour, we gonna show you how to do the steps described above.</p>" +
'<p>For the next tour step press the "Next" button or the right arrow (or "Back" button/left arrow for the previous step).</p>' +
"<p>During the tour please don't try the functions because it may lead to graphical glitches, however " +
"you can end the tour any time you want with the End Tour button!</p>",
placement: "bottom",
backdrop: true,
......@@ -32,7 +46,7 @@ function createTemplateTour() {
backdrop: true,
element: 'a[href="#home"]',
title: "Home tab",
content: "yo",
content: "In this tab you can tag your virtual machine and modify the description.",
placement: 'top',
onShow: function() {
console.log("yosag van");
......@@ -53,7 +67,7 @@ function createTemplateTour() {
element: '#vm-details-resources-form',
placement: 'left',
placement: 'top',
backdrop: true,
title: "Resources",
content: '<p><strong>CPU priority:</strong> higher (or lower?) is better</p>' +
......@@ -65,11 +79,11 @@ function createTemplateTour() {
element: '.vm-details-resources-disk',
element: '#vm-details-resources-disk',
backdrop: true,
placement: 'left',
placement: 'top',
title: "Disks",
content: "jo a kontent, bar lehetne hosszabb is es akkor nem nez ki ilyen butan az end tour gomb!",
content: "You can add empty disks, download new ones and remove existing ones here.",
onShow: function() {
......@@ -90,6 +104,7 @@ function createTemplateTour() {
element: "#vm-details-button-deploy",
title: "Deploy",
placement: "left",
backdrop: true,
content: "Deploy the virtual machine",
......@@ -97,6 +112,7 @@ function createTemplateTour() {
element: "#vm-info-pane",
title: "Connect",
placement: "top",
backdrop: true,
content: "Use the connection string or connect with your choice of client!",
......@@ -106,7 +122,7 @@ function createTemplateTour() {
element: ".alert-new-template",
placement: "bottom",
title: "Customize the virtual machine",
content: "Do the modifications",
content: "After you have connected to the virtual do you modifications",
......@@ -114,16 +130,16 @@ function createTemplateTour() {
title: "Save",
placement: "left",
backdrop: true,
content: "Press this button and wait!",
content: 'Press the "Save as template" button and wait until the activity finishes.',
element: ".alert-new-template",
title: "Fin",
title: "Finisih",
backdrop: true,
placement: "bottom",
content: "Congrats you managed to sit trough this exciting tour!",
content: "This is the last message, if something is not clear you can do the the tour again!",
return ttour;
......@@ -5,17 +5,6 @@
{% block content %}
.alert-new-template {
background: #3071a9;
color: white;
font-size: 25px;
.alert-new-template ol {
margin-left: 25px;
{% if instance.is_base %}
<div class="alert alert-info alert-new-template">
<strong>{% trans "This is the master vm of your new template" %}</strong>
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
<hr />
<div class="row vm-details-resources-disk">
<div class="row" id="vm-details-resources-disk">
<div class="col-sm-11">
{% trans "Disks" %}
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