Commit da1a159e by Bence Dányi

cloud: make compiles css/js resources

parent edd6f4a7
SHELL := /bin/bash
default: migrate collectstatic mo restart
default: migrate collectstatic mo less uglifyjs restart
pulldef: pull default
......@@ -23,3 +23,11 @@ mo:
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload || sudo restart django
lessc one/static/style/style.less > one/static/style/style.css
uglifyjs one/static/script/cloud.js > one/static/script/cloud.min.js
uglifyjs one/static/script/util.js > one/static/script/util.min.js
uglifyjs one/static/script/store.js > one/static/script/store.min.js
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