Commit e62a9036 by Őry Máté

devenv: selective vimrc

parent 19840f1d
highlight ExtraWhitespace ctermfg=white ctermbg=red guibg=red guifg=white
match ExtraWhitespace /\(\s\+$\|^\s*\t\|,[^ ]\|[;]$\|#[^ ].\|def [A-Z]\|class [a-z]\)/
autocmd BufWinEnter * match ExtraWhitespace /\(\s\+$\|^\s*\t\|,[^ ]\|[;]$\|#[^ ].\|def [A-Z]\|class [a-z]\)/
autocmd! filetype python match ExtraWhitespace /\(\s\+$\|^\s*\t\|,[^ ]\|[;]$\|#[^ ].\|def [A-Z]\|class [a-z]\)/
autocmd BufWinEnter filetype python match ExtraWhitespace /\(\s\+$\|^\s*\t\|,[^ ]\|[;]$\|#[^ ].\|def [A-Z]\|class [a-z]\)/
autocmd BufWinLeave * call clearmatches()
set et
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