# Copyright 2014 Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME IK) # # This file is part of CIRCLE Cloud. # # CIRCLE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version. # # CIRCLE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with CIRCLE. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import logging import requests from time import time from django.conf import settings from manager.mancelery import celery from vm.tasks.vm_tasks import check_queue from firewall.tasks.remote_tasks import check_queue as check_queue_fw from vm.models import Node, InstanceTemplate from firewall.models import Firewall from storage.models import DataStore from monitor.client import Client logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @celery.task(ignore_result=True) def measure_response_time(): try: r = requests.get(settings.DJANGO_URL, verify=False, timeout=0.5) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: return total_miliseconds = ( r.elapsed.seconds * 10**6 + r.elapsed.microseconds) / 1000 Client().send([ "%(name)s %(val)d %(time)s" % { 'name': "portal.response_time", 'val': total_miliseconds, 'time': time(), } ]) @celery.task(ignore_result=True) def check_celery_queues(): graphite_string = lambda component, hostname, celery, is_alive, time: ( "%s.%s.celery-queues.%s %d %s" % ( component, hostname, celery, 1 if is_alive else 0, time) ) metrics = [] for n in Node.objects.all(): # disabled, offline nodes? for s in ["fast", "slow"]: is_queue_alive = check_queue(n.host.hostname, "vm", s) metrics.append(graphite_string("circle", n.host.hostname, "vm-" + s, is_queue_alive, time())) is_net_queue_alive = check_queue(n.host.hostname, "net", "fast") metrics.append(graphite_string("circle", n.host.hostname, "net-fast", is_net_queue_alive, time())) is_agent_queue_alive = check_queue(n.host.hostname, "agent") metrics.append(graphite_string("circle", n.host.hostname, "agent", is_agent_queue_alive, time())) for ds in DataStore.objects.all(): for s in ["fast", "slow"]: is_queue_alive = check_queue(ds.hostname, "vm", s) metrics.append(graphite_string("storage", ds.hostname, "storage-" + s, is_queue_alive, time())) for fw in Firewall.objects.all(): is_queue_alive = check_queue_fw(fw.name, "firewall", None) metrics.append(graphite_string( "firewall", fw.name, "firewall", is_queue_alive, time())) Client().send(metrics) @celery.task(ignore_result=True) def instance_per_template(): graphite_string = lambda pk, state, val, time: ( "template.%d.instances.%s %d %s" % ( pk, state, val, time) ) metrics = [] for t in InstanceTemplate.objects.all(): base = t.instance_set.filter(destroyed_at=None) running = base.filter(status="RUNNING").count() not_running = base.exclude(status="RUNNING").count() metrics.append(graphite_string(t.pk, "running", running, time())) metrics.append(graphite_string(t.pk, "not_running", not_running, time())) Client().send(metrics) @celery.task(ignore_result=True) def allocated_memory(): graphite_string = lambda hostname, val, time: ( "circle.%s.memory.allocated %d %s" % ( hostname, val, time) ) metrics = [] for n in Node.objects.all(): print n.allocated_ram metrics.append(graphite_string( n.host.hostname, n.allocated_ram, time())) Client().send(metrics)