Commit 0a10962e by Bach Dániel

random fixes

parent 14997630
......@@ -198,9 +198,9 @@ class Client:
interfaces_list = psutil.network_io_counters(
interfaces_list_enum = enumerate(interfaces_list)
if ((self.beat % self.kvmNet) is 0) and vm_proc.is_running():
for vm in running_vms:
interfaces_list_enum = enumerate(interfaces_list)
for iname_index, iname in interfaces_list_enum:
if vm[0] in iname:
metrics.append(("vm." +
......@@ -225,10 +225,10 @@ class Client:
+ " %d" % (time.time())
metrics.append(("vm." +
vm[0] +
+ "network.bytes_recv" +
" %d" %
vm[0] + "." + "network"
".bytes_recv" +
" %d" % interfaces_list[
+ " %d" % (time.time())
return metrics
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