Commit 82348f5a by Nagy Gergő

Debug format changed. Refactored code. Added metrics.

parent 977465d6
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from src.collectables import collectables
def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("usage: run [options]")
print("usage: run")
if len(sys.argv) is not 2 and sys.argv[1] is not "run":
print("[ERROR] Command cannot be parsed. Exiting...")
from datetime import datetime
import time
import socket
import pika
......@@ -46,12 +47,12 @@ class Client:
self.amqp_pass = str(os.getenv(self.env_config['amqp_pass']))
self.amqp_queue = str(os.getenv(self.env_config['amqp_queue']))
self.amqp_vhost = str(os.getenv(self.env_config['amqp_vhost']))
host_check = self.__check_envvar(self.server_address)
port_check = self.__check_envvar(self.server_port)
amqp_pass_check = self.__check_envvar(self.amqp_pass)
amqp_user_check = self.__check_envvar(self.amqp_user)
amqp_queue_check = self.__check_envvar(self.amqp_queue)
amqp_vhost_check = self.__check_envvar(self.amqp_vhost)
host_check = Client.__check_envvar(self.server_address)
port_check = Client.__check_envvar(self.server_port)
amqp_pass_check = Client.__check_envvar(self.amqp_pass)
amqp_user_check = Client.__check_envvar(self.amqp_user)
amqp_queue_check = Client.__check_envvar(self.amqp_queue)
amqp_vhost_check = Client.__check_envvar(self.amqp_vhost)
if host_check:
print(('%(host)s cannot be found in environmental variables.')
% {'host': self.env_config['host']}
......@@ -69,8 +70,8 @@ class Client:
'pass': self.env_config['amqp_pass']}
raise RuntimeError
amqp_pass_check = self.__check_envvar(self.amqp_pass)
amqp_user_check = self.__check_envvar(self.amqp_user)
amqp_pass_check = Client.__check_envvar(self.amqp_pass)
amqp_user_check = Client.__check_envvar(self.amqp_user)
if amqp_vhost_check or amqp_queue_check:
print(('%(queue)s or %(vhost)s cannot be '
'found in environmental variables.')
......@@ -85,7 +86,8 @@ class Client:
self.beat = 1
self.valid = True
def __check_envvar(variable):
def __check_envvar(cls, variable):
return variable == "None" or variable == ""
def connect(self):
......@@ -172,6 +174,11 @@ class Client:
metrics = []
running_vms = []
procList = psutil.get_process_list()
beats = {
'mem': self.beat % self.kvmMem,
'cpu': self.beat % self.kvmCPU,
'net': self.beat % self.kvmNet
for entry in procList:
entry_name =
......@@ -194,24 +201,20 @@ class Client:
memory[0] + 1])])
except IndexError:
if ((self.beat % 30) is 0):
metrics.append("%s.vmcount %d %d"
% (, len(running_vms), time.time()))
for vm in running_vms:
vm_proc = psutil.Process(vm[1])
if (((self.beat % self.kvmCPU) is 0) and vm_proc.is_running()):
if ((beats['cpu'] is 0) and vm_proc.is_running()):
mem_perc = vm_proc.get_memory_percent() / 100 * vm[2]
metrics.append("vm.%s.memory.usage %f %d"
% (vm[0], mem_perc, time.time()))
if (((self.beat % self.kvmMem) is 0) and vm_proc.is_running()):
if ((beats['mem'] is 0) and vm_proc.is_running()):
systemtime = vm_proc.get_cpu_times().system
usertime = vm_proc.get_cpu_times().user
sumCpu = systemtime + usertime
metrics.append("vm.%s.cpu.usage %f %d"
% (vm[0], sumCpu, time.time()))
interfaces_list = psutil.network_io_counters(
if ((self.beat % self.kvmNet) is 0):
interfaces_list = psutil.network_io_counters(pernic=True)
if beats['net'] is 0:
for vm in running_vms:
interfaces_list_enum = enumerate(interfaces_list)
for iname_index, iname in interfaces_list_enum:
......@@ -246,6 +249,12 @@ class Client:
'data': interfaces_list[iname].bytes_recv})
except psutil.NoSuchProcess:
print('[ERROR LOG] Process lost.')
if (self.beat % 30) is 0:
('%(host)s.vmcount %(data)d %(time)d') %
'data': len(running_vms),
'time': time.time()})
return metrics
def get_frequency(self, metricCollectors=[]):
......@@ -259,6 +268,16 @@ class Client:
max = item[1]
return max
def print_metrics(cls, metrics):
for metric in metrics:
parts = metric.split(' ')
parts[2] = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(parts[2])).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
print('[M] %(title)s' % {'title': parts[0]})
print(' -> data: %(data)s' % {'data': parts[1]})
print(' -> time: %(time)s' % {'time': parts[2]})
def run(self, metricCollectors=[]):
Call this method to start reporting to the server, it needs the
......@@ -282,9 +301,9 @@ class Client:
vmMetrics = self.collect_vms()
metrics = nodeMetrics + vmMetrics
if self.debugMode == "True":
if len(metrics) is not 0:
if self.__send(metrics) is False:
if self.send(metrics) is False:
raise RuntimeError
self.beat = self.beat + 1
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