Commit 9d54db9e by Guba Sándor

added cpu topology (default 1 socket and vcpu cores)

moved raw_data to the first row (can overdefine topology now)
parent 9e8a6109
......@@ -91,9 +91,18 @@ class VMInstance:
'type': self.vm_type
# Building raw data into xml
if self.raw_data:
# Basic virtual machine paramaters
ET.SubElement(xml_top, 'name').text =
ET.SubElement(xml_top, 'vcpu').text = str(self.vcpu)
cpu = ET.SubElement(xml_top, 'cpu')
ET.SubElement(cpu, 'topology',
'sockets': str(1),
'cores': str(self.vcpu),
'threads': str(1)})
ET.SubElement(xml_top, 'memory').text = str(self.memory_max)
ET.SubElement(xml_top, 'currentMemory').text = str(self.memory)
# Cpu tune
......@@ -143,9 +152,6 @@ class VMInstance:
features = ET.SubElement(xml_top, 'features')
if self.acpi:
ET.SubElement(features, 'acpi')
# Building raw data into xml
if self.raw_data:
# Security label
ET.SubElement(xml_top, 'seclabel', attrib={
'type': self.seclabel_type,
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