Commit 1c755e5b by Zoltan Karsa


parent 8e3a2100
from numba import cuda
cc_cores_per_SM_dict = {
(2,0) : 32,
(2,1) : 48,
(3,0) : 192,
(3,5) : 192,
(3,7) : 192,
(5,0) : 128,
(5,2) : 128,
(6,0) : 64,
(6,1) : 128,
(7,0) : 64,
(7,5) : 64,
(8,0) : 64,
(8,6) : 128,
(8,9) : 128,
(9,0) : 128
# the above dictionary should result in a value of "None" if a cc match
# is not found. The dictionary needs to be extended as new devices become
# available, and currently does not account for all Jetson devices
device = cuda.get_current_device()
my_sms = getattr(device, 'MULTIPROCESSOR_COUNT')
my_cc = device.compute_capability
cores_per_sm = cc_cores_per_SM_dict.get(my_cc)
total_cores = cores_per_sm*my_sms
print("GPU compute capability: " , my_cc)
print("GPU total number of SMs: " , my_sms)
print("total cores: " , total_cores)
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