Commit 84275444 by Arnau Comas Codina

OpenStackError decorator for exceptions, minor change

parent 5b8b9cae
from openstack.exceptions import BadRequestException
from import PortForwardingInterface
from import Port, FloatingIP, PortForwarding
......@@ -8,17 +8,12 @@ class ErrorException(Exception):
OpenStackError -- boolean
DuplicateError -- boolean
def __init__(self, e):
self.OpenStackError = True
self.DuplicateError = False
if hasattr(e, 'details'):
if 'duplicate' in e.details:
self.DuplicateError = True
def OpenStackError(func):
......@@ -36,7 +31,6 @@ def OpenStackError(func):
raise ErrorException(e)
except BadRequestException as e:
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
raise ErrorException(e)
except Exception as e:
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