Commit 60de3530 by Csók Tamás

Installation and uninstall logs are added

parent cf9dd786
@echo off
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem Set whether we want output info on screen or not
rem Set where this file will install the rest of the files
IF NOT "%1"=="" (
SET "output_on_screen=%1"
SET "location=%1"
SET install_location=!location:"=!
) else (
SET "install_location=%APPDATA%\CIRCLE"
rem Set whether we want output info on screen or not
IF NOT "%2"=="" (
SET "output_on_screen=%2"
) else (
SET "output_on_screen=False"
SET "output_on_screen=True"
rem Starting the uninstall script
IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" (
@echo Starting CIRCLE Client uninstall script
@echo Starting CIRCLE Client uninstall script>CON
@echo Starting CIRCLE Client uninstall script
rem Get the running directory for later ease of use
SET running_directory=%~dp0
rem Set where this file will install the rest of the files
SET "install_location=%APPDATA%\CIRCLE"
if not exist "%install_location%\" (
SET "install_location=%ProgramFiles%\CIRCLE"
rem Check the install location whether it exists
if not exist "%install_location%\" (
IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" (
@echo Installation direcory not found^^! Please delete ^'CIRCLE^' direcory manually
@echo Installation direcory not found^^! Please delete ^'CIRCLE^' direcory manually>CON
@echo Installation direcory not found^^! Please delete ^'CIRCLE^' direcory manually 1>&2
goto end
IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" (
@echo Installation direcory found at ^'%install_location%^'
@echo Installation direcory found at ^'%install_location%^'>CON
@echo Installation direcory found at ^'%install_location%^'
rem Delete files and directory
IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" (
@echo Removing desktop icon
call python "%install_location%\" ^-r
@echo Done
@echo Removing files
) else (
call python "%install_location%\" ^-r >nul 2>&1
@echo Removing desktop icon>CON
rd>nul /q/s %install_location% 2>nul
@echo Removing desktop icon
call python "%install_location%\" ^-r ^-l "%install_location%\\"
IF NOT "!output_on_screen!"=="False" (
@echo Done
@echo Done>CON
@echo Done
\ No newline at end of file
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