Commit 5a87eba7 by Alex Gaynor

Updated the docs.

parent 449b143c
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Django ORM API. For example if you had a ``Food`` model, whose
``TaggableManager`` was named ``tags``, you could find all the delicious fruit
like so::
>>> Food.objects.filter(tags__in=["delicious"])
>>> Food.objects.filter(tags__name__in=["delicious"])
[<Food: apple>, <Food: pear>, <Food: plum>]
......@@ -64,7 +64,10 @@ If you're filtering on multiple tags, it's very common to get duplicate
results, because of the way relational databases work. Often you'll want to
make use of the ``distinct()`` method on ``QuerySets``::
>>> Food.objects.filter(tags__in=["delicious", "red"])
>>> Food.objects.filter(tags__name__in=["delicious", "red"])
[<Food: apple>, <Food: apple>]
>>> Food.objects.filter(tags__in=["delicious", "red"]).distinct()
>>> Food.objects.filter(tags__name__in=["delicious", "red"]).distinct()
[<Food: apple>]
You can also filter by the slug on tags. If you're using a custom ``Tag``
model you can use this API to filter on any fields it has.
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Unreleased.
* Added an index on the ``object_id`` field of ``TaggedItem``.
* When displaying tags always join them with commas, never spaces.
* The docs are now available `online <>`_.
* Custom ``Tag`` models are now allowed.
Using a Custom Tag or Through Model
By default ``django-taggit`` uses a "through model" with a
``GenericForeignKey`` on it, that has another ``ForeignKey`` to an included
``Tag`` model. However, there are some cases where this isn't desirable, for
example if you want the speed and referential guarantees of a real
``ForeignKey``, if you have a model with a non-integer primary key, or if you
want to store additional data about a tag, such as whether it is official. In
these cases ``django-taggit`` makes it easy to substitute your own through
model, or ``Tag`` model.
Your intermediary model must be a subclass of
``taggit.models.TaggedItemBase`` with a foreign key to your content
model named ``content_object``. Pass this intermediary model as the
``through`` argument to ``TaggableManager``::
from django.db import models
from taggit.managers import TaggableManager
from taggit.models import TaggedItemBase
class TaggedFood(TaggedItemBase):
content_object = models.ForeignKey('Food')
class Food(models.Model):
# ... fields here
tags = TaggableManager(through=TaggedFood)
Once this is done, the API works the same as for GFK-tagged models.
To change the behavior in other ways there are a number of other classes you
can subclass to obtain different behavior:
========================= ===========================================================
Class name Behavior
========================= ===========================================================
``TaggedItemBase`` Allows custom ``ForeignKeys`` to models.
``GenericTaggedItemBase`` Allows custom ``Tag`` models.
``ItemBase`` Allows custom ``Tag`` models and ``ForeignKeys`` to models.
========================= ===========================================================
When providing a custom ``Tag`` model it should be a ``ForeignKey`` to your tag model named ``"tag"``.
Using a Custom Through Model
By default ``django-taggit`` uses a "through model" with a
``GenericForeignKey`` on it. However, there are some cases where this
isn't desirable, for example if you want the speed and referential
guarantees of a real ``ForeignKey``, or if you have a model with a
non-integer primary key. In these cases ``django-taggit`` makes it
easy to substitute your own through model.
Youe intermediary model must be a subclass of
``taggit.models.TaggedItemBase`` with a foreign key to your content
model named ``content_object``. Pass this intermediary model as the
``through`` argument to ``TaggableManager``::
from django.db import models
from taggit.managers import TaggableManager
from taggit.models import TaggedItemBase
class TaggedFood(TaggedItemBase):
content_object = models.ForeignKey('Food')
class Food(models.Model):
# ... fields here
tags = TaggableManager(through=TaggedFood)
Once this is done, the API works the same as for GFK-tagged models.
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ for known issues with older versions of Django), and Python 2.4-2.X.
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