Commit 939f7679 by Oláh István Gergely

Create tutorial for git backend for salt

parent 41c92214
## Git backend tutorial
### 1. Install salt master and register minion
sudo apt-get install salt-minion
sudo apt-get install salt-master
#### Edit /etc/salt/minion to set master to
#### Open 4505 and 4506 with ufw allow.
#### Restart master and minion. Accept minion key with salt-key -A.
#### Use -l debug option to show debug messages.
### 2. Install pygit2
#### 2.1 Without adding the repo, installing pygit is a bit difficult. Use this:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dennis/python
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-pygit2
#### 2.2 Copy keys.
### 3. Modify the *master* config file:
- git
- pubkey: /root/.ssh/
- privkey: /root/.ssh/git
- /home/cloud/salt/pillar
gitfs_root: salt
### 4. Clone pillar to /home/cloud/
git clone `
### 5. Finish: call salt '*' state.sls allinone (or whatever you need)
### the *master* config file:
#### The default git provider is pygit2. You can change that to dulwich ot gitpython.
gitfs_provider: dulwich
#### Include git in the fileserver_backend list:
- git
#### Specify one or more git://, https://, file://, or ssh:// URLs in gitfs_remotes to configure which repositories to cache and search for requested files:
> The gitfs_remotes option accepts an ordered list of git remotes to cache and search, in listed order, for requested files.
#### Serving from subdirectory
gitfs_root: foo/baz
#### Other options
Its possible to change branches, enviroments
Change branch:
gitfs_base: salt-base
### Tutorial with more information:
### Local gitfs issue:
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