Commit 7bc2c99f by Dányi Bence

one: tab->space format fix

parent cbdf34c6
......@@ -109,14 +109,14 @@ def vm_show(request, iid):
inst = get_object_or_404(Instance, id=iid, owner=request.user)
return render_to_response("show.html", RequestContext(request,{
'uri': inst.get_connect_uri(),
'state': inst.state,
'id': iid,
'uri': inst.get_connect_uri(),
'state': inst.state,
'id': iid,
'age': inst.get_age(),
'instances': _list_instances(request),
'i': inst,
'booting' : not inst.active_since,
'booting' : not inst.active_since,
'ports': inst.firewall_host.list_ports()
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