Commit 9bc2639a by Dudás Ádám

vm: sort methods

parent 692f0819
......@@ -52,29 +52,8 @@ class InstanceActivity(ActivityModel):
return '{}({})'.format(self.activity_code,
def get_absolute_url(self):
return reverse('dashboard.views.vm-activity', args=[])
def get_readable_name(self):
activity_code_last_suffix = split_activity_code(self.activity_code)[-1]
return activity_code_last_suffix.replace('_', ' ').capitalize()
def get_status_id(self):
if self.succeeded is None:
return 'wait'
elif self.succeeded:
return 'success'
return 'failed'
def is_abortable(self):
"""Can the activity be aborted?
:returns: True if the activity can be aborted; otherwise, False.
op = self.instance.get_operation_from_activity_code(self.activity_code)
return self.task_uuid and op and op.abortable and not self.finished
def abort(self):
AbortableAsyncResult(self.task_uuid, backend=celery.backend).abort()
def create(cls, code_suffix, instance, task_uuid=None, user=None,
......@@ -104,21 +83,42 @@ class InstanceActivity(ActivityModel):
return act
def sub_activity(self, code_suffix, on_abort=None, on_commit=None,
task_uuid=None, concurrency_check=True):
"""Create a transactional context for a nested instance activity.
def get_absolute_url(self):
return reverse('dashboard.views.vm-activity', args=[])
def get_readable_name(self):
activity_code_last_suffix = split_activity_code(self.activity_code)[-1]
return activity_code_last_suffix.replace('_', ' ').capitalize()
def get_status_id(self):
if self.succeeded is None:
return 'wait'
elif self.succeeded:
return 'success'
return 'failed'
def is_abortable(self):
"""Can the activity be aborted?
:returns: True if the activity can be aborted; otherwise, False.
act = self.create_sub(code_suffix, task_uuid, concurrency_check)
return activitycontextimpl(act, on_abort=on_abort, on_commit=on_commit)
op = self.instance.get_operation_from_activity_code(self.activity_code)
return self.task_uuid and op and op.abortable and not self.finished
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
ret = super(InstanceActivity, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
return ret
def abort(self):
AbortableAsyncResult(self.task_uuid, backend=celery.backend).abort()
def sub_activity(self, code_suffix, on_abort=None, on_commit=None,
task_uuid=None, concurrency_check=True):
"""Create a transactional context for a nested instance activity.
act = self.create_sub(code_suffix, task_uuid, concurrency_check)
return activitycontextimpl(act, on_abort=on_abort, on_commit=on_commit)
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