- 28 Apr, 2014 5 commits
Guba Sándor committed
Őry Máté committed
Dudás Ádám committed
Dudás Ádám committed
_operation methods now only need to accept those generated arguments that are actually used.
Dudás Ádám committed
- 27 Apr, 2014 1 commit
Update ALL external requirements to current stable.
Őry Máté committed
- 26 Apr, 2014 3 commits
Dudás Ádám committed
Using datetime causes a RuntimeWarning because DateTimeField receives a naive datetime while time zone support is active.
Dudás Ádám committed -
Patching __new__ on an object seems to have lasting effects even after the context block's end.
Dudás Ádám committed
- 24 Apr, 2014 15 commits
Őry Máté committed
Django 1.6 bundles it.
Őry Máté committed -
Őry Máté committed
Django 1.6 integrated DiscoverRunner but removed its config options. If discover_root is not set, it finds out the project root by starting to step to parent directories until a directory without an __init__ file is found.
Őry Máté committed -
Őry Máté committed
Őry Máté committed
Őry Máté committed
Bach Dániel committed
Bach Dániel committed
Őry Máté committed
Issue Vm Detail Fixes - Rename virtual machines and update description - Remove interfaces
Kálmán Viktor committed -
Filter out not owned VM-s for superuser
Kálmán Viktor committed -
Kálmán Viktor committed
Kálmán Viktor committed
Kálmán Viktor committed
- 22 Apr, 2014 11 commits
Bach Dániel committed
Bach Dániel committed
Kálmán Viktor committed
Kálmán Viktor committed
Change password Users can change their own password.
Bach Dániel committed -
Kálmán Viktor committed
Kálmán Viktor committed
Kálmán Viktor committed
Kálmán Viktor committed
Conflicts: circle/vm/operations.py
Bach Dániel committed -
Conflicts: circle/dashboard/tests/test_views.py
Kálmán Viktor committed
- 21 Apr, 2014 5 commits
howto: https://git.ik.bme.hu/circle/cloud/wikis/nginx
Bach Dániel committed -
Bach Dániel committed
Bach Dániel committed
Bach Dániel committed
Bach Dániel committed