Commit 89bbef63 by Guba Sándor

declare TYPES need review

parent 1ccb2da4
......@@ -8,19 +8,26 @@ re_qemu_img = re.compile(r'(file format: (?P<format>(qcow2|raw))|'
class Disk(object):
''' Storage driver DISK object.
Handle qcow2, raw and iso images.
TYPES, CREATE_TYPES, SNAPSHOT_TYPES are hand managed restrictions.
TYPES = [('qcow2-norm', 'qcow2 normal'), ('qcow2-snap', 'qcow2 snapshot'),
('iso', 'iso'), ('raw-ro', 'raw read-only'), ('raw-rw', 'raw')]
def __init__(self, dir, name, format, size, base_name, type):
CREATE_TYPES = [('qcow2-norm', 'qcow2'), ('raw-ro', 'raw'),
('raw-rw', 'raw')]
SNAPSHOT_TYPES = [('qcow2-snap', 'qcow2')]
def __init__(self, dir, name, format, size, base_name):
# TODO: tests = name
self.dir = os.path.realpath(dir)
if format not in ['qcow2', 'raw']:
if format not in [k[0] for k in self.TYPES]:
raise Exception('Invalid format: %s' % format)
self.format = format
self.size = int(size)
self.base_name = base_name
if type not in ['normal', 'snapshot']:
raise Exception('Invalid type: %s' % type)
self.type = type
def deserialize(cls, desc):
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