Commit c503dc84 by Máhonfai Bálint

Update SMB password before mounting store to VM

Update the password using the create_user function. Don't modify other attributes of the user.
parent 6f4187b1
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......@@ -1760,8 +1760,11 @@ class MountStoreOperation(EnsureAgentMixin, InstanceOperation):
inst = self.instance
queue = self.instance.get_remote_queue_name("agent")
host = urlsplit(settings.STORE_URL).hostname
username = Store(user).username
store = Store(user)
username = store.username
password = user.profile.smb_password
# make sure correct smb password is set
store.create_user(password, None, None)
queue=queue, args=(inst.vm_name, host, username, password))
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