Feature voms occi 🚧
curl localhost:8080 occi.compute.cores=2" --header "X-OCCI-Attribute: occi.compute.architecture=x86" --header "X-OCCI-Attribute: occi.compute.speed=1" --header "X-OCCI-Attribute: occi.compute.memory=1" --header "Accept: text/occi" -I
occi --endpoint http://localhost:8080 --action create --resource compute --mixin os_tpl#os_tpl_1 --attribute occi.core.title="My rOCCI VM"
occi --endpoint http://localhost:8080 --action create --resource compute --mixin os_tpl#os_tpl_1 --attribute occi.core.title="My rOCCI VM" --link /storage/113
occi --endpoint http://localhost:8080 --action trigger --trigger-action stop --attribute method="poweroff" --resource /vm/1031/
occi --endpoint http://localhost:8080 --action describe --resource storage
occi --endpoint http://localhost:8080 --action create --resource storage --attribute occi.storage.size="num(2)" --attribute occi.core.title="szia"
occi --endpoint http://localhost:8080 --action link --resource /vm/1078 --link /storage/12345/
occi --endpoint http://localhost:8080 --action delete --resource /link/storagelink/vm1100_disk1158
occi --endpoint http://localhost:8080 --action delete --resource /vm/1099/
occi --endpoint http://localhost:8080 --action describe --resource network
occi --endpoint http://localhost:8080 --action describe --resource /network/1001/
occi --endpoint http://localhost:8080 --action link --resource /vm/1108/ --link /network/1001/
occi --endpoint http://localhost:8080 --action describe --resource /link/networkinterface/vm_1108_network_1001
occi --endpoint http://localhost:8080 --action delete --resource /link/networkinterface/vm_1108_network_1001
With cert
With cert
occi --endpoint https://localhost:5000/ --action create --resource storage --attribute occi.storage.size="num(2)" --attribute occi.core.title="szia" --auth x509 --user-cred ~/x509up_u500 --voms --skip-ca-check
occi --endpoint https://localhost:5000/ --action describe --resource storage --auth x509 --user-cred ~/x509up_u500 --voms --skip-ca-check
occi --endpoint https://localhost:5000/ --action describe --resource os_tpl --auth x509 --user-cred ~/x509up_u500 --voms --skip-ca-check
occi --endpoint https://localhost:5000 --action create --resource compute --mixin os_tpl#os_tpl_1 --attribute occi.core.title="My rOCCI VM" --link /storage/1188 --auth x509 --user-cred ~/x509up_u500 --voms --skip-ca-check
occi --endpoint https://localhost:5000/ --action describe --resource compute --auth x509 --user-cred ~/x509up_u500 --voms --skip-ca-check
occi --endpoint https://localhost:5000 --action trigger --trigger-action start --resource /vm/1112/ --auth x509 --user-cred ~/x509up_u500 --voms --skip-ca-check
occi --endpoint https://localhost:5000 --action delete --resource /link/storagelink/vm_1112_storage_1188 --auth x509 --user-cred ~/x509up_u500 --voms --skip-ca-check
occi --endpoint https://localhost:5000 --action link --resource /vm/1112/ --link /storage/1188/ --auth x509 --user-cred ~/x509up_u500 --voms --skip-ca-check
occi --endpoint https://localhost:5000 --action trigger --trigger-action stop --attribute method="poweroff" --resource /vm/1112/ --auth x509 --user-cred ~/x509up_u500 --voms --skip-ca-check
occi --endpoint https://localhost:5000 --action delete --resource /vm/1112/ --auth x509 --user-cred ~/x509up_u500 --voms --skip-ca-check
occi --endpoint https://localhost:5000 --action describe --resource network --auth x509 --user-cred ~/x509up_u500 --voms --skip-ca-check
occi --endpoint https://localhost:5000 --action delete --resource /link/networkinterface/vm_1112_network_1001 --auth x509 --user-cred ~/x509up_u500 --voms --skip-ca-check
Added 130 new commits:
- 14ce8bf2 - dashboard: use intro.js
- 10dbd8bf - dashboard: hide template tour box
- 2fee48c3 - dashboard: remove old tour static files
- 96fe17ce - Merge branch 'master' into feature-new-tour
- 86c16fe8 - Merge branch 'master' into feature-new-tour
- ad5e4e06 - dashboard: fix vm tour
- df7e52cf - Merge branch 'master' into feature-new-tour
- e8de471b - dashboard: fix vm tour in different vm states
- 2eac5bff - common: refactor get_user_text and get_admin_text
- b94c4c54 - common: parse/format dates in HumanReadableObjects
- e5192e4b - common: fix tests
- 345a3659 - fabfile: use with-id
- 31317946 - dashboard: fix template/lease deletes
- 4a2c9055 - dashboard: add delete button to template detail
- 75442927 - dashboard: clean up template view
- 931ef81c - dashboard: fix lease delete tests
- 8fdeebb8 - vm: add node option for deploy operation
- ac20a85d - dashboard: add forms.NoFormTagMixin and OperationForm
- e39cd3f8 - dashboard: fix deploy view/form
- 659102d8 - dashboard: tour features
- 086490a4 - add md5sum to activity result
- e819ce63 - dashboard: fix VmRenewForm
- 4d151888 - Merge branch 'issue-337' into 'master'
- c921684e - Merge branch 'issue-229' into 'master'
- b2860e87 - dashboard: fix copypaste error in disk-list-element template
- 91617877 - dashboard: close tour when user clicks things
- d4c7fdc3 - dashboard: review migrate form texts
- 8ca8e716 - operation: on success change size in database as well
- 95f16415 - acl: add AclBase.clone_acl
- a4d5963c - vm: add clone=False arg to SaveAsTemplateOperation
- dc717ea3 - dashboard: allow cloning permissions of parent template
- 59814880 - Merge branch 'feature-update-template' into 'master'
- 8649c0c1 - Merge branch 'feature-md5sum' into 'master'
- 04f78c0d - Merge branch 'issue-344' into 'master'
- 542ebeb1 - dashboard: abort tour if user clicks on things
- 1d26683a - dashboard: add data-activity-code attribute to activites in vm detail timeline
- aa9648f6 - vm: allow shutoff in 'PAUSED' state
- 5212a450 - vm: use slow queue in wake up operation
- 938f05dc - dashboard: fix store url encodings
- 36b2d201 - dashboard: make group detail html nicer
- 4e3677ed - dashboard: fix group detail js functions
- ced57b53 - dashboard: make group list prettier
- 6841cc02 - Merge branch 'issue-345' into 'master'
- 2e1af39b - vm: add agent operations
- 7ecbd0fb - vm: fix #271 (closed) (Save should try to clean up (agent))
- 228a7316 - dashboard: new icon for shutoff operation
- 14ea8857 - common: fix UnicodeDecodeError in activitycontextimpl()
- 69fb6219 - Merge branch 'issue-338' into 'master'
- 542bbd0a - Merge branch 'issue-331' into 'master'
- 645ad6a0 - Merge branch 'feature-agent-operations' into 'master'
- 6116fd30 - Merge branch 'fix-lease-template' into 'master'
- 87cf344b - dashboard: check for resource/disk perms in vm tour
- d3b23cb1 - Merge branch 'feature-new-tour' into 'master'
- 13ef826b - update PO templates
- fb838841 - vm: recreate interfaces from template in recovery operation
- f03b1685 - locale: update Hungarian translation
- c0b4ef92 - dashboard remove PortDelete
- 77d7975a - firewall: fix pickle error
- 5816bf02 - dashboard: add RemovePortOperation
- eb3f55b3 - dashboard: add AddPortOperation
- 90423956 - node: add driver_version property
- 522cd6dc - dashboard: show vmdriver version
- 6a9390f9 - dashboard: fix flake8 warnings
- 6da29f4e - dashboard: fix tests
- 62060459 - vm: add missing 'required_perms' lines
- d0cc86ea - vm: add add_port, remove_port to merged_activities.whitelist
- 7f80408e - dashboard: add remove_port template
- bef94b77 - dashboard: random fixes
- 9efafced - dashboard: fix xss
- 5eba485c - dashboard: escape html/or use .text instead of .html where needed
- ae2e57a2 - dashboard: remove unused node list js
- 5c71b275 - dashboard: check if vm has agent installed for pw reset
- 7c604358 - vm: handle cleanup errors in SaveAsTemplateOperation
- 3d81d408 - Merge branch 'fix-group-detail' into 'master'
- e00127f9 - Merge branch 'issue-319v2'
- 3c8b525a - node: add view_statistics permission
- 9ee92053 - views/node: allow list with vm.view_statistics perms
- 30681e63 - views/node: allow node box with vm.view_statistics perms
- 9928686b - views/graph: allow graph with vm.view_statistics perms
- f0c59231 - templates: allow node box with vm.view_statistics perms
- 80178219 - tempaltes: hide new button index/node_box
- f1016e28 - tempaltes: hide buttons to non superusers
- b549f6b4 - templates: remove unnecessary buttons and forms
- 8316fe03 - retab
- 215b6f56 - dashboard: replace tabs in templates
- 69cf4530 - views/node: add get function to properly return 403 on unathorized
- 5c4c6d14 - tests: fix redirects to permission denied (403)
- 32e17050 - dashboard: retab v2
- d0f4347b - Merge branch 'feature-remove-tabs' into 'master'
- 76d043aa - dashboard: retab v3
- 387eb4e8 - Merge branch 'feature-node-permissions' into 'master'
- e6dda2de - circle: add rosetta
- f5a446ed - Merge branch 'feature-rosetta' into 'master'
- 8fbfca30 - vm: copy traits on save_as fixes #351 (closed)
- 05d1cfef - operation: set owner ACL level fixes #350 (closed)
- fa12edb4 - dashboard: move TransferOwnership views to utils.py
- 2ba3690e - dashboard: display full name
- 15739763 - dashboard: add transfer template ownership views
- 3118c6d8 - Merge branch 'issue-335' into 'master'
- 0a31aaab - dashboard: remove tabs
- 53d054a1 - Merge branch 'feature-show-version' into 'master'
- cfb90704 - dashboard: fix indentation
- 392da873 - vm: handle node.driver_version errors
- b8cd2d07 - vm: add missing node.get_info calls
- 4392ed39 - Merge branch 'node-fixes' into 'master'
- af0882f5 - Merge branch 'feature-improved-recovery' into 'master'
- 66afc59c - dashboard: add profile links
- 833d5490 - Merge branch 'feature-tx-tpl-ownership' into 'master'
- f6861f2b - vm: raise SuspiciousOperation instead of PermissionDenied
- c4872897 - vm: remove accept_states lines
- fc553851 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into feature-port-operations
- 72e1a7ba - Merge branch 'feature-port-operations' into 'master'
- 7cb65f1c - fix
- 962517cf - dashboard: test templates
- d92c0deb - dashboard: remove evidences of plagiarism
- 8eb07036 - Merge branch 'issue-351' into 'master'
- 01ceadd5 - fab: add cleanup function
- 6d633f5b - fab: add build_portal function
- e3ca1c1b - fab: add install_bash_completion_script function
- ba583561 - added id property for instance activity result
- 1be5b3cc - renamed the property
- 224c9130 - Merge branch 'seleniumProperty' into 'master'
- 73c44add - Merge branch 'feature-test-templates' into 'master'
- 46d8e9f9 - Merge branch 'feature-clean-pyc' into 'master'
- fa1d82c3 - network: fix related hosts listed on VlanDetail page
- a146d824 - Merge branch 'issue-353-vlan-detail' into 'master'
- 3c5ee93d - dashboard: add favorite icon to VM details
- d66ecb5a - Merge branch 'issue-349-fav-icon' into 'master'
- 4d56b18f - Merge branch 'master' into feature-voms-occi
- 4b185b09 - occi: delete storage
Toggle commit list -
Added 88 new commits:
- 4614c442 - remove external js dependencies
- 411a478b - add bower config
- 6cb335d7 - fix js code style
- 9362084a - settings: make devserver and production settings work together
- b3f91278 - settings: set up django-pipeline
- 2a45b0de - dashboard: user compressed css/js files
- c3ccaaa8 - requirements: add django-pipeline
- 6c71ffbc - use static template tag instead variable substitution
- 775b7c5e - buildbot doesn't love pipeline
- 8f9234a1 - fab: support bower
- 4064301b - dashboard: fix vm-details to match pipeline
- 9bcc0385 - dashboard: update dashboard to work with new bootstrap
- 8e1635ef - Merge branch 'master' into feature-pipeline
- b8a48b95 - dashboard: fix sliders
- 8e97df7e - dashboard: fix notifications
- 2a586b91 - dashboard: fix some tooltips on file box
- ea14f0c3 - circle: use less to compile css
- 5fe2e959 - circle: collect autocomplete js too
- ae45c595 - Merge branch 'master' into feature-pipeline
- 595735da - circle: manually watch directories for less files
- 8d8e851e - circle: don't run watch.py on import
- f3fa489d - circle: create a watch command
- d3dd06ae - circle: ignore bower components and static files in less watch
- aaa81f32 - circle: compileless command
- 8eb950ce - fab: compile less files before collectstatic in fab
- 368fa52f - circle: use pipeline with disable compilers option
- 67ab8684 - Merge branch 'master' into feature-pipeline
- ab630e67 - dashboard: fix node box in bootstrap 3.2
- e3adfe35 - bower: bump fontawesome version
- 4855c8b3 - dashboard: change bootstrap tour to introjs
- a547cac5 - dashboard: fix index store list
- 435048c3 - dashboard: fix store progress bar
- f4cf294b - dashboard: fix vm create progress bars
- 9795bd83 - dashboard: move inline css
- ed20ed7b - dashboard: reindent node monitor column html
- c29c05b3 - dashboard: fix info box titles
- 745ad571 - bower: remove bootstrap tour
- 98854937 - dashboard: infobtn should not act like a button on hover
- 458a7b75 - dashboard/network: remove script includes
- bde8c54a - network: fix remove event firing twice
- 7074f30d - dashboard: remove leftover script tags
- ae8aeb57 - dashboard: fix novnc
- 3cbb35e4 - circle: enable js compressor
- 7074ec9e - dashboard: remove tooltip from navbar
- a691294f - Merge branch 'master' into feature-pipeline
- c3422577 - dashboard: add OpenSearch description
- c165dafd - dashboard: add management commands
- 3e2dbae2 - dashboard: fix opensearch xml
- be40f553 - dashboard: title of link tag should match the ShortName
- fa21824a - dashboard: don't remove title of elements in
- 78df1c1e - dashboard: add favorite icon to VM details
- 84a1d61c - firewall: fix copypaste error
- 8d391e1f - network: accept initial fields in HostCreate
- 260a5a7c - firewall: rewrite ipv6 template validation
- 5c67df1a - firewall: make convert_ipv4_to_ipv6 a Vlan method
- c3c23feb - network: add ajax helper for host-creation magic
- bb9f818b - network: add magic buttons to HostForm
- 0dbc3afe - network: fix ipv6 conversion
- 66100895 - dashboard: fix operation form getting submitted twice
- 521aa877 - firewall: add get_dhcp_clients
- ec0e901c - network: add MACColumn
- 8f0735c7 - network: add unregistered dhcp clients table
- 6299201d - firewall: add sensible default and help_text to Vlan.ipv6_template
- 059593b1 - firewall: fix _magic_ipv6_template()
- 5f05e808 - firewall: fix tests
- 7afb202a - network: use FieldWithButtons in HostForm
- 435f4556 - network: add magic button to ipv6_template
- 43de3dcb - dashboard: js i18n for fav titles
- 8a96b4f8 - Merge branch 'feature-opensearch' into 'master'
- 4a7515c4 - network: related field if changed by magic
- 85539a1f - firewall: magically compute host_ipv6_prefixlen too
- 1838f416 - firewall: refactor magic
- 4e337898 - network: fix magic at HostDetail view
- b7cfe6a7 - network: use dot notation in js
- 7557f6c4 - network: add titles to magic buttons
- 23d85db4 - network: add host creation butotn to VlanDetail
- 6694020e - firewall: handle get_dhcp_clients' remote exceptions
- f08c1e86 - Merge branch 'feature-network-gui-improvements' into 'master'
- 60d08d50 - firewall: fix http 500
- b02dd1ee - update PO templates
- 1ca7edbb - update Hungarian translation
- 6d44029c - Merge branch 'master' into feature-pipeline
- 014cda7a - dashboard: fix management command
- bad4afd4 - firewall: fix tests
- ca137eda - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into feature-management-commands
- a8162edf - Merge branch 'feature-management-commands' into 'master'
- b0fd61ef - Merge branch 'feature-pipeline' into 'master'
- a36b5aa3 - Merge branch 'master' into feature-voms-occi
Toggle commit list -
1594 1594 id = "_detach_network" 1595 1595 name = _("detach network") 1596 1596 task = vm_tasks.detach_network 1597 1598 1599 @register_operation 1600 class AttachDiskOperation(InstanceOperation): 1601 id = 'attach_disk' 1602 name = _("attach disk") 1603 description = _("Attach an already created disk to the virtual machine.") 1604 required_perms = () 1605 accept_states = ('STOPPED', 'PENDING', 'RUNNING') 1606 1607 def _operation(self, user, activity, disk): 1608 if disk in self.instance.disks.all(): -
if disk.instance_set.exists():
Milestone removed
Toggle commit list -
304 304 action = compute_action_to_operation.get(action_term) 305 305 operation = action.get(method) 306 306 307 # TODO user 308 user = User.objects.get(username="test") 309 307 getattr(self.instance, operation).async(user=user) -
Added 101 new commits:
- 4b6c8c56 - dashboard: show all tab panes without js
- 3b9fb9b0 - dashboard: fix disk list first row float right
- 6376e04e - dashboard: don't lowercase search results
- 5e6f5435 - dashboard: limit widths
- 664f3434 - circle: pipeline doc fixes
- a3bbce2c - Merge branch 'master' into issue-364
- 2cda07e7 - dashboard: use flex to limit width
- 4e9564a5 - dashboard: file list footer
- b1cfe46b - dashboard: fix width for certain btn icons
- 0a0c4db7 - dashboard: wider vm name on dashboard
- a6acad5b - docs: add nodejs-legacy package
- bd83d4b0 - vm: fix exception handling in ShutdownOperation
- 62f9e566 - vm: simplify shutdown call
- 1ca238ef - dashboard: fix navbar buttons
- 0377a840 - dashboard: remove garbage
- 445a2148 - Merge branch 'pipeline-docs' into 'master'
- 13c9ebca - dashboard: remove old files
- d9089b12 - common: add missing check to register_operation
- 996673c3 - dashboard: remove NodeStatus view
- 14af9660 - dashboard: remove InterfaceDeleteVie
- beeed7fa - dashboard: allow superusers too see profiles without groups
- a6c7dcf3 - dashboard: fix js
- 18dea3b8 - dashboard: add base class for delete views
- d999a2f4 - dashboard: fix tests
- fc6bc985 - dashboard: fix flake8 warning
- 5c9ae9cb - dashboard: make check more pythonic
- 38b6f781 - Merge branch 'issue-371' into 'master'
- 70debda7 - dashboard: remove unused code
- d593d10c - dashboard: fix close modal btn
- dae0a707 - dashboard: improve node detail
- 6b11c860 - dashboard: move activity, operation js to activity.js
- c2b89065 - dashboard: display minion status in node list view
- 284053f9 - vm: add UpdateNodeOperation
- 8328eea8 - update requirements
- 1d852711 - vm: fix test
- b4596a86 - dashboard: remove print 'hi'
- 15c8faf1 - Merge branch 'fix-shutdown-op' into 'master'
- c711f3c1 - Merge branch 'issue-363' into 'master'
- 7180bd8f - dashboard: fix forms
- 77236999 - dashboard: remove unused renew template
- c2a42986 - dashboard: move vlan perm check to Instance.create
- cdac5b0e - dashboard: fix play button
- 226d2b8d - dashboard: improve VmCreate view
- 038f663e - dashboard: js fixes
- 29adb58a - dashboard: responsive list tables
- 5f3e7e7b - fix tests
- 67622b86 - dashboard: move activity vars
- f876f926 - dashboard: remove unnecessary perm check
- 8a293708 - vm: fix UpdateNodeOperation
- 32e83265 - Merge branch 'feature-node-salt'
- 7fed7d2c - Merge branch 'feature-remove-garbage'
- 45c688c5 - dashboard: add missing modals
- 5b434637 - dashboard: mark 'No result' text for translation
- 3b99558c - dashboard: fix panels
- 8865ab59 - dashboard: fix invalid html
- fbe6d2db - dashboard: fix node list panel
- 4a5f85ee - dashboard: fix toplist panel
- fbf6c5b8 - dashboard: add notification count to favicon
- 08818312 - dashboard: paginate notifications
- ed86412a - dashboard: fix search buttons
- dedaf53a - dashboard: fix favicon showing undefined
- 111d424d - dashboard: fix xss in notifications
- e70e03b7 - Merge branch 'gui-fixes' into 'master'
- 1a9d84cd - Merge branch 'master' into issue-364
- 7acc6a70 - dashboard: fix dashboard file
- 7654ab6b - dashboard: menu font size
- 04ac0b01 - dashboard: small screen fixes
- 154839c7 - dashboard: async vm search
- 79e445c6 - Merge branch 'issue-364' into 'master'
- db42d716 - Merge branch 'notifications-enhancement'
- f4df866a - dashboard: warn user about missing traits on migrate/deploy
- 7c5eae88 - dashboard: node/trait fix
- 921944e9 - Merge branch 'master' into issue-291
- 10adcce0 - update requirements
- cafadff8 - circle: update settings
- 80695e1f - vm: fix saving vms as templates with deleted parent
- ebdf3b7e - dashboard: fix disk remove missing method
- 1e26bc6e - dashboard: trivial fixes
- 668c2659 - common: fix HumanSortField
- e9b63096 - circle: fix tests
- 73844bcc - circle: add new migrations
- 37c1c52d - vm: fix migration dependencies
- aed286e6 - dashboard: migrate form fields
- c4cd703c - firewall: add migration
- bb4dfc17 - dashboard: group rename without js
- acfa3715 - Merge branch 'issue-291' into 'master'
- bd898707 - Merge branch 'feature-group-rename' into 'master'
- f47965c1 - dashboard: fix jshint warnings
- c5f2291b - Merge branch 'master' into feature-jshint
- f8759446 - update requirements.txt
- 892f1470 - Merge branch 'feature-jshint' into 'master'
- 3d40e5f4 - Merge branch 'feature-django-1.7'
- dd51b502 - network: fix flake8 warning
- 07195cac - Revert "update requirements.txt"
- 30d8fe06 - network: order hosts by noramlized hostname
- bd2667df - dashboard: i18n
- 4c94d47f - Merge branch 'master' into feature-voms-occi
- 9cf1ac9f - occi: remove OCCI_ADDR
- d61fb9f3 - occi: remove public key creation
- 0f34885e - occi: look for missing attributes
- b5916e57 - occi: handle wrong templates
Toggle commit list -
Status changed to closed
Toggle commit list